Sales Report (Database Lab)

Monday, August 6, 2012

SQL Queries

SELECT "Customer Name", "Region", "Product Category", "Profit" FROM "Sales" WHERE "Region"='East'

This allows for a company to see what category of product created the most profit while conducting business in the East region.

SELECT "Date", "Product", "Region", "Cost" FROM "Sales" WHERE "Region"='East' AND "Cost">10.00

This allows for a company to see what products in the East region are costing them the most in money. I made it so that only products costing them over 10 dollars were listed.


The focus of my post will be on the multimedia aspect of Chapter 7 and how the use of it affects the success of business. We are surrounded by all different types of multimedia every day, especially the younger generation. I, personally, am always sending my friends pictures or videos or posting them on Twitter or Facebook. Multimedia is a very quick, interesting, fun way to get information across. Because of this, more and more businesses have been incorporating multimedia into business practices such as presentations, projects, marketing and advertising. “Multimedia includes a combination of text, audio, still images, animation,video, or interactivity content forms” (1). “The various formats of technological or digital multimedia may be intended to enhance the users' experience, for example to make it easier and faster to convey information” (1). It may be faster to just send a picture rather than to describe, in tons of words, what is in front of you. This form of information can create a faster pace in conducting business and communicating within a business.
However, due to some of the costs in the use of multimedia, it is crucial that businesses get the most bang for their buck. They have to make sure that the use of multimedia will have an effect on their intended audience. Multimedia is very effective when targeting to a young audience (2). The younger generations are the ones who really pay attention to multimedia. Marketing to younger generations with multimedia will have a greater effect on them than when marketing to older generations.
Multimedia has been very useful not only in presentations and internal projects of the business, but with promotion and marketing. As a user of twitter, I constantly see promotions with pictures that businesses “tweet.” “Twitter's TweetPhoto will automatically enable you to publish photos to your Twitter and Facebook accounts for free via mobile and Web platforms. Tweet pictures of discounted and new items or offer exclusive incentives” (3). Twitter is a great form of mobile marketing. This is one example of a simple, quick way to promote and advertise through the use of multimedia. “Since multimedia solutions have the tendency to captivate potential customers or visitors to your site, the exposure of your business will be greatly possible” (4). With more and more people on the internet, putting multimedia marketing on the internet will be extremely effective. This gives people more access to your business.
Although there seems to be great hype about the use of multimedia, I came across a few disadvantages in conducting my research. Two major disadvantages that are discussed in the use of multimedia for business purposes were equipment failure and lost productivity (5). The article that I read discussed the common scenario of equipment failure just before a big presentation. If the multimedia fails, the whole presentation is lost and ruined. Furthermore, the article discussed lost productivity due to the time and effort that multimedia takes. Maybe this is suggesting that individuals who are quick and experienced with the use of multimedia should be the ones using it.
In conclusion, the use of multimedia seems like a great way for businesses to expand and enhance their work. Although there are some possible disadvantages, I feel that the benefits surely outweigh the costs. Presentations and projects are more appealing, and marketing is made quick and easy through such promotions as pictures and videos in using multimedia.


Thursday, August 2, 2012


My main focus of this assignment is the way that Decision Support Systems go beyond the ability of human intelligence. DSS softwares go beyond what we can do as humans, eliminating a lot of human error. The term “Decision Support System” is defined as “a computer-based information system that supports business or organizational decision-making activities” (1). Business has become so complex and technologically advanced that we can no longer rely on the abilities of a human to accomplish the tasks that a business needs to complete. Tasks need to be done faster, and even with great intelligence, humans cannot perform these tasks as quickly as a DSS software.
Decision Support Systems involve the implementation of AI (Artificial Intelligence). The goal of AI is “to develop computer systems that exhibit intelligence or simulate the ability to think” (2). Since AI in computers has the ability to think, why not just simply use humans to do this thinking? The reasoning is that computer systems handle complexity better than humans (2). There is more that goes into decision making than meets the eye, and humans are born with the natural inclination to make mistakes throughout their lifetime. This is where AI and DSS softwares pick up our slack - they eliminate errors.
Aiding the deficiencies of human judgment and decision making has been a major focus of science throughout history” (3). It was interesting to read about how psychology is implemented into these AI and DSS softwares. One would think that only humans would have the ability to experience the phenomenon of psychology and cognitive psychology, but cognitive psychology is implemented into computer programs for complex decision making (3).
The elimination of human error is exemplified in a couple of the models involved in DSS’s. A brief history of DSS’s explains two models: 1. Accounting and Financial models, and 2. Representational models (4). Both of these models are involved in calculating the consequences of possible actions taken by humans. These models can determine the affects that one single decision will have on a business, now or in the future. This eliminates human error because if the consequences are bad enough, the business will not make this decision. Without Decision Support Systems, the business would be forced to out on a limb and maybe never know what will happen as a result of the decision.
In conclusion, DSS and AI softwares do things that a human cannot do alone. However, human traits are what make these softwares what they are. “A successful DSS is one that assists rather than replaces the human decision maker” (5). Both humans and computers have their strengths and weaknesses: “The strengths of human decision makers in the areas of conceptualization, intuition and creativity are the weaknesses of the computer. Conversely, the strengths of the computer in computation speed, parallelism, accuracy and the persistent storage of almost unlimited detailed information are human weaknesses” (5). A computer enhances the abilities of a human, and extends our intelligence with quicker speeds and accuracy.


Monday, July 30, 2012


The main focus of my discussion will be to explain the difference between E-Business and E-Commerce (a subset of E-Business).When people discuss E-business, some automatically assume that E-business and E-Commerce are interchangeably the same thing. When researching E-business, it is obvious that E-business and E-Commerce are two separate concepts, and their differences must be addressed. E-business is “the application of information and communication technologies in support of all the activities of business” (1). E-commerce, however, is “the buying and selling of products or services over electronic systems such as the Internet and other computer networks (2). Although both terms contain the E for “Electronic,” and both are related to conducting business online, there are major differences between the two.
As most people do not realize, E-Commerce is simply a subset or part of E-business. As a simplified way to put it, E-Commerce involves mostly just the actual business transaction. E-Business is more complex than E-Commerce, focusing on also the internal processes of a business or organization, including production, inventory management, product development, risk management, finance, knowledge management and human resources (3). E-business is also more focused on improving the productivity of a business as well as cost-savings for the business.
Another major difference between E-Business and E-Commerce is the use of ICT (Information and Communications Technology). E-Business implements the use of ICT in conducting all aspects of a business or organization online. ICT is used to enhance the business, and the three primary processes that are enhanced in E-business include production processes (replenishment of stocks, payment processing, links with suppliers, production control), customer-focused processes (marketing and customer support), and internal management processes (internal employee services and training) (4). E-Business not only deals with the transactions of the business, like E-Commerce does, but also the relationships and management within the organization. E-Businesses control their inventory, employee relationships and training, management, and B2B (Business to Business) relationships electronically.
E-Commerce can be either online purchasing or online shopping (5). That is strictly the part of the business that E-Commerce handles. E-Business, however, can run all internal aspects of the business online in addition to Online Shopping. Again, E-Commerce is a subset of E-Business in this aspect. “E-Business can work for any business because it involves the whole business cycle from production, procurement, distribution, sales, payment, fulfillment, restocking and marketing” (5).
Understanding E-Business and the differences between E-Business and E-Commerce are important for understanding both concepts. Too often, these terms are used interchangeably and in conducting my research, I felt that it was important to define and express their major differences. Both are important aspects of a business, which is why they should be understood and not confused with one another.


Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Online Shopping

Online shopping has become a huge trend in society today. With almost the entire population using the internet, businesses are able to conduct their business through the use of online shopping. Online shopping is used for B2B (Business to Business) transactions as well as B2C (Business to Consumer) transactions (1). Businesses can buy their supplies from other businesses via the internet, or consumers can buy from businesses, such as retail stores or Amazon, over the internet. The two most popular online retail stores are Ebay and Amazon (1).
A study showed that nearly 75% of online shoppers are concerned and worried about one thing mainly; their privacy (2). It is inevitable for online shoppers to give out an abundant amount of personal information. Every customer normally pays with a credit card, therefore the website has their credit card number. The items that the customer will buy must be shipped to an address, therefore the website knows where they live. The customer will receive a confirmation e-mail, or a notification via e-mail that their order has shipped, which is giving the website their personal or work e-mail address. Some websites have their customers give a phone number as well. This is all information that can be abused if put into the wrong hands, and there have been cases of this information being abused.
There are a few steps to take in precaution of protecting your personal information when online shopping. One of the simplest, easiest, quickest ways is to check to see if the website begins with "https://" (3). This contrasts from the simple "http://" because the "S" stands for "secure." This lets the consumer know that the website is going to secure their information. If the site does not have the "S" at the end, it would be a better choice for the consumer to steer of this website, and to not use it.
Another step to protecting the safety of personal information while shopping online is to check the privacy policy listed on the website (3). This discloses all of the places that your personal information will be, how it is used/secured. If the website does not have a privacy policy, it would once again be a better decision to not use this website.
Although online shopping has become a huge trend, expanding each and every day, consumers need to protect themselves and their personal information and there are simple, easy, and quick ways to do so.


Cloud Computing: iCloud and Privacy

The concept and use of Cloud Computing is becoming more and more popular as the internet is growing, but users of this new technology, such as users of Apple’s iCloud, need to be aware of the privacy issues that they could be dealing with. Cloud Computing makes any information accessible and stored on the internet. This makes it so that anyone can access information from a mobile device at any time.
Apple’s iCloud is an example of software as a service, using many applications that can be accessed from any mobile device (1). in Apple’s case, applications can be accessed from any iOS device that someone owns. This is one of the main features of iCloud. The cloud transfers all of your information stored on one iOS device to any others that you own automatically. iCloud also automatically backs up any information stored (2), virtually as soon as the information is put into the device. Businesses are now using iCloud as a way to access any document or information at any time on a mobile device. iCloud also allows for the ability to design and make presentations through the use of a device (2), such as an iPad. Although the iCloud seems like a great use for conducting businesses, there has been controversy of privacy issues in this sense.
iCloud may be facing, in the near future, some blame for exposure of private information. One app that can be stored in the iCloud is the “Find My Friends” app. This app allows for people to see where someone is by tracking their iOS device. iCloud could face blame for the incident of someone being tracked down for the wrong reasons (3). Privacy issues could stir up simply from photos on iCloud. Embarrassing pictures could be kept and stored on iCloud, when others do not want them there (3).
The privacy issues listed above are more personal, but these issues are also seen as a threat in the business field. “Companies must decide if they want their intellectual property being linked to iCloud” (4). The main threat with conducting business with iCloud is that if a hacker is able to break into iCloud at all, ALL information on iCloud would be accessible to them. Once broken into iCloud itself, there are no extra passwords needed to access any specific information; it would all be right there. Businesses keeping information in iCloud would be exposing everything, meaning that they could lose everything. Hackers look to attack and break into Apple, not just individual devices (4). This way, as stated before, they will have access to all data stored on iCloud.
Although Cloud Computing, including the use of Apple’s iCloud, may seem like a great “Software as a Service” use for conducting business, there are privacy issues that need to be addressed and that businesses need to be warned about.

Monday, July 23, 2012

T2.5 Database (Redbooks Online)

Since I am majoring in marketing, I took advantage of this assignment by expanding my knowledge of how marketing works, and chose an advertising and ad agency database. Redbooks is a database that has expanded to the internet. The database allows for a full detailed search of available advertising or ad agency for any company.
The Database has a full detailed profile of around 13,500 ad agencies in the U.S. as well as internationally. This specific profile includes contact information for businesses to get in touch with the agency, the field of specialization that the agency does their work for, the breakdown of gross billings by media, as well as the accounts that are represented by each agency (1). "For advertising agencies, the database includes information on an agency's specializations; its key personnel; its accounts and their associated brands; and its corporate hierarchy" (2). Organizations can see right there on the Agency profile, how much they will have to spend for the use of the Agency and if they can afford it.
I checked out the actual Redbooks website, where there was a list of how many Ad Agencies, Advertisers, Key Contacts, and Brands are involved with the database. Companies have access to 15,000 Ad Agencies, 21,000 Advertisers, and 200,000 Key Contacts. A total of 130,000 Brands are involved with this database (3). This gives a very broad range of many different types of Ad and Advertising Agencies available for business. It seems that any business or organization would be able to find any type of Agency that they desire for the benefit of their advertisement.
When I was reading about this database, I thought of a show that I began to watch the other day on TV. It was a show about advertising. Subway was looking for a new ad campaign and approached two different agencies that have to compete against each other to think of the best idea for the new campaign. Both teams were working day and night like dogs to put together to brainstorm ideas for a possible campaign.
I think that this database would have been easier for Subway to use. They could have searched for exactly what type of agency they wanted for their campaign. The database lets you look at who each agency represents and all of their information. Companies can use this database for a very select and specific search to fit their advertising wants and needs.

Answers to questions:

1. One challenge that I can think of is that the database does have a password. There is a free trial that I saw online, but after that, the database needs to be paid for to be used. It may be challenging to get a search narrowed down like the way the database says it is able to do.

2. The database provides a competitive advantage for the organization using it because it really lets the company do an exact search of what type of agency they want and which agency will benefit them the most. Most companies would pick any random agency, but this one gives the opportunity to get the most for your money by choosing an agency that specializes in your personnel and is able to give the organization exactly what they want for the most beneficial advertising or campaign.

3. The only improvement that I can see from the free trial that I did would be a better organization of the Agency names. A few of them had strange numbers and symbols in front of the names and may or may not have gotten in the way of a proper and beneficial search. That is virtually the only improvement I can think of. I think the database is very useful.


T2.3 Hardware & Software

With the use of Mobile Commerce rapidly expanding, small businesses need to keep up with beneficial hardware and software to keep themselves going in the global market. Outdated hardware and software can put businesses at a competitive disadvantage. Luckily, there are a lot of ways for businesses to expand their use of Mobile Commerce.

Speech-Recognition Technology is a system that expands M-Commerce specifically in dealing with customer service. Customers are able to interact with live agents through the use of their own voice without hitting a keypad. This technology is also beneficial for conducting business without access to a keyboard, like when traveling.

Digital Cameras have become a type of hardware used to expand Mobile Commerce. These cameras, unlike film cameras, allow businesses the opportunity of taking photos or videos anywhere, anytime, then simply uploading to a computer or device, and sharing them. If someone within a business is missing a meeting, photos or videos as forms of information can be sent to them to keep them up to speed. Digital cameras are also affordable for small businesses, barely ever costing more than 250 dollars.

Optical Character Recognition Readers - OCR readers are used to convert handwritten or hard copy documents into digital data to be shared within a business, or to the public. Handwritten financial statements such as balance sheets can be scanned and put write into the computer, saving lots of time. These documents can be scanned and shared from anywhere at any time.

E-Books are another way that businesses are expanding their use of M-Commerce. Magazine companies that take part in the iPad magazine app are offering their businesses to customers with access to magazines anywhere. Stores like Home Depot are using design lookbooks available online for anyone internet or WiFi connection to access. Businesses have their information right online for anyone to see whenever they want.

Portable Computers are becoming a popular, useful trend within M-Commerce. Tablets specifically are a very useful tool for conducting business. The touch screen technology on tablets is great for doing business in places where a keyboard cannot be used, such as on an airplane. Tablets are said to improve worker productivity by being able to conduct business anywhere using a portable, durable computer.

T1.5 Systems

As I have mentioned a few times in assignments and telling a little bit about myself, I have a job at Panera Bread. Working at this business, I have seen various ways that information is used to benefit the business through the flow of input, processing, output, and feedback. Already from taking this class, I have been able to get a better understanding and reasoning for the way that things are done at Panera. One of the most important aspects of information systems, that is explained in our textbook, is understanding the difference between data and information. Before this class, I honestly thought that they were the same thing. However, after reading the difference, I was able to notice examples within my work environment to help me understand this better. For example, when inventory is done, the counting of all of the items in the store would be the data (raw facts). The transformation process is then use to turn this into information (additional value beyond facts), which would be the list of what the store needs to order to send it off to our suppliers.
Since Panera uses mostly the Information System of E-commerce, I decided to further my understanding of E-commerce. Through research, I have noticed that E-commerce has become extremely popular since the establishment of the Internet. The World Wide Web was first invented in 1990 by Tim Berners-Lee. Throughout this first decade, the internet was mostly used for basic information and communication. However, by the end of 2000, E-commerce was considered to be "the ability of purchasing various goods through the Internet using secure protocols and electronic payment services" (1). This knowledge furthered my understanding of E-commerce as an Information System and gave me an understanding as to how the system came about and became popular.
Seattle University, at just about the start of the millenium, took notice to this trend and offered to their students the option of the major "E-Commerce and Information Systems" (ECIS). The University states "As the Internet is becoming widely available to the masses, E-commerce on the internet is on the verge of becoming the most important market activity in the world economy" (2). It was interesting to see that the University predicted and recognized this trend, giving their students the opportunity to be a part of this revolutionary and expanding Information System.
Further researching Information Systems, I came across a chart that explained the security measures of Information Systems. I found this very important to apply to the discussion of E-commerce, since the Internet is public. People are able to hack into computers and get access to private information. The security measures of an information system are listed as 1. Identify Threats. Businesses should know of any threats to the security of their system. In the case of E-commerce, an example of a threat would be a hacker. 2. Establish Controls. Businesses must have a secure way, such as specific passwords and numerous measures to make it extremely difficult for information to be exposed. 3. Perform Audits. Businesses should audit all transactions and aspects of their systems to discover any breach of security (3). E-commerce involves trusting a company with personal information, such as credit card numbers. Businesses must protect this information by taking the necessary security measures within their E-commerce system.


T1.6 Monitoring Social Networks

We all know about it, and we all do it - social networking is becoming a part of our daily routine. It's how we stay connected, express ourselves, and little do we know; it can help us to run a business.
It is obvious that many people criticize others while social networking. However, people are also criticizing businesses. I feel that social networking is a great way for businesses to improve their practices. Businesses should be taking full advantage of these companies that can do mass searches to see what people are saying about a business. The most frequent complaints should obviously be the ones that the business focuses on and strives to change.
Personally, I work at Panera Bread. I am social networking often, especially on Twitter. Even though I am just an associate, I see my friends tweeting about complaints that they have with our store, such as the "boring, loud, jazz music." I can go back to my store and simply tell my managers that I have seen this complaint and they have physically walked over and turned the volume down. Clearly, monitoring social networking helps a business with their own weaknesses.
However, another extremely beneficial side to monitoring social networking, is exposing other business' weaknesses. These social networking sites are public. Businesses can not only do searches for complaints about their own business, but for complaints about other businesses that they compete with.
Take Mac and PC for example. Mac launched a huge campaign against PC, which you have probably all seen. One man is a Mac computer, the other is a PC. The two men go back and forth trying to point out each others weaknesses, and the Mac always "wins." The campaign was clearly successful. What I read about monitoring social networking really reminded me of this and made me think that the use of these monitoring companies could really be put to use to see other companies' weaknesses.
It doesn't necessarily have to be used to publicly criticize and contrast, but looking at these weaknesses of competition could help businesses to avoid those weaknesses and better themselves to protect their own reputation on social media websites.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Assignment: Analyzing Value of IS

Jennifer Stone

Assignment: Analyzing Value of IS


 For this assignment, I decided to analyze the value of the E-commerce as an information system for a company. The use of E-commerce as an information system is valuable for any company, especially small businesses. It is becoming costly to keep up with the global market, but the low cost of E-commerce allows small businesses to compete within the global market. E-commerce makes it so that virtually any business, larger or small, is able to market and sell worldwide at a low cost to the company. This information system is creating new business opportunities for companies.

 E-commerce allows for the ease of exchanging of information between business to business, business to consumer, consumer to consumer, and to the public sector. This means that businesses and their consumers can exchange information through the use of a computer at their own home, on their own time. Information is always available for any relationship that is included in conducting a business (B2B, B2C, C2C, public sector).

 The main system components of Processing and Feedback become much easier through the use of E-commerce. E-commerce has specifically and most importantly allowed for the flow of processing to speed up and take up significantly less time. Instead of moving from person to person, place to place for the processing of a business order or transaction, everything is done through essentially a one-step process through the internet between a company and a vendor. The use of E-commerce can potentially allow for a one-step buying process between a company’s employee and a vendor. The employee can seek information online through a vendor’s website, seek management approval, and place an order in a single transaction. This contrasts with the traditional process for placing a purchase order, which requires much more time and effort to complete. This ease of exchange of information between the business relationships would also most likely significantly help with the feedback system, as customers can communicate feedback to the business or the public that will help any business make changes to their system. Any problems or comments can be sent online, making feedback easier to give as well as receive.

Furthermore, the main system components of input and output are made easier through E-commerce. Input is the capturing of raw data. Through the use of the internet and e-mail communication, companies, for example, can see exactly what they need to order from a vendor or supplier for their inventory. E-commerce can provide an organized list online that tracks inventory used and inventory needed. This leads to output (the production of useful information). Through the use of online tracking, buyers can produce documents listing exactly which products that they will need to order. This is a much easier and quicker way to communicate with suppliers what the company will need.